Ugly babies 👹

I started this blog in October. Two and a half months later, I’ve written… drum roll… two blog posts! I know. Not very impressive. Reflecting on why this has been so difficult, I’ve realized two important things:

  1. Writing is hard.
  2. I need to make this blog my “ugly baby.”

Let me explain.

A few days ago, I came across one of Justin Gary’s Substack newsletters titled You Never Start at Level 50. It was about embracing the idea that you never start out producing perfect results. Mastery is a journey that begins with messy, imperfect attempts. A crucial step in improving at anything is accepting that your early efforts will probably be bad.

And that’s the lesson I haven’t fully embraced when it comes to this blog: I just need to write.

It doesn’t have to be good. In fact, it won’t be good—and that’s exactly how it should be. Improvement comes with practice, and practice means showing up even when the results aren’t polished.

So, here’s to ugly babies! I’m committing to writing more, even if it’s messy, imperfect, or cringe-worthy at times. The goal is to write, and to keep writing, trusting that the process will make me better.

Let’s get to it. Ugly babies incoming!

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